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Best Choice of Drugs for Hypertension
There are many different medications for high blood pressure (antihypertensive drugs), each with advantages and disadvantages. Your doctor may prescribe more than one type of drug to treat your condition.
Taking medications as prescribed, monitoring blood pressure and making lifestyle changes can help achieve and maintain healthy blood pressure.
Lifestyle changes
If you are beginning to develop high blood pressure (pre-hypertensive state) or if you already have it, lifestyle changes can help reduce or eliminate the need for medication.
Try these steps to help lower and control blood pressure.
- Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Decrease the amount of salt (sodium) in your diet.
- Do not smoke
- Control stress
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Regularly practice physical exercise. Dąż do 30 minut umiarkowanej aktywności przez większość dni w tygodniu. Możesz podzielić swoją aktywność na trzy 10-minutowe sesje dziennie.