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It is estimated that nearly half of adults in the United States have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Since the condition often produces no symptoms, checking your blood pressure regularly is an important way to determine if you have hypertension. But did you know that blood pressure can change depending on your position? Your blood pressure can change depending on whether you are sitting or lying down. In this article, we will learn what is known about how body position can affect blood pressure and what can be done to keep it under control. What blood pressure is dangerously high? Your blood pressure is considered high (stage 1) if it is 130/80. Stage 2 high blood pressure is 140/90 or higher. If your blood pressure is 180/110 or higher, see your doctor immediately. What are the 5 causes of high blood pressure? A diet high in salt, fat and/or cholesterol. Chronic illnesses such as kidney and hormone problems, diabetes and high cholesterol. Family history, especially if your parents or other close relatives have high blood pressure. Lack of physical activity. Does your blood pressure change when you lie down? It is known that changing your position can affect your blood pressure. However, there is no consensus on whether readings are higher or lower when you lie down. Several older studies have shown that blood pressure was higher among study participants when they were lying down compared to sitting. One of these, a 2008 study, included 6,485 healthy volunteers. However, the results of several more recent studies suggest that blood pressure may be lower when lying down than when sitting: A 2017 study involving 967 men and 812 women looked at the effect of body position on blood pressure. It found that diastolic readings were higher in both sexes when sitting, but only on the first reading. Repeat blood pressure readings did not find the same difference between sitting and lying down. The 2018 study examined blood pressure readings in a cohort of 1,298 men. It found that both systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings were significantly higher in the sitting position than in the lying position. A 2017 study of 280 people with high blood pressure found that average systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings were lower when measured lying down than when measured sitting up. Note that participants in this study had their blood pressure measured after resting for 10 minutes, which could have affected the readings. What is the best position to measure blood pressure? The American Heart Association recommends that blood pressure be measured while sitting. They also note that while there are differences on the right arm compared to the left arm, they are small and only result in differences of 10 mm Hg or less. Additional posture factors can also affect blood pressure readings. To get an accurate reading at the doctor's office, try to:
  • Sit up straight, with your back resting against the back of the chair.
  • Make sure your feet lie flat on the floor. Avoid crossing your legs or ankles.
  • Place your hand at heart level, supporting it on a table or armrest. You may need to use a pillow to help achieve proper elevation.
  • In some cases, blood pressure can be measured while lying down. An example of this is when you are hospitalized and cannot sit up.
If you suffer from orthostatic hypotension, your blood pressure can be measured in two different positions - sitting and standing. This will help your doctor monitor how your blood pressure changes when you move from sitting to standing.

Cavemen had normal blood pressure (eat THIS)

Cavemen had normal blood pressure (eat THIS)

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