Dangers of sudden drop in blood pressure(Compulsory reading)

szybkie obniżenie ciśnienia krwi
What does a sharp drop in blood pressure mean? This condition is known as reduced cardiac output. It can occur as a result of heart problems, endocrine (hormonal) disorders and certain medications. Sudden changes in cardiac output can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure. What can cause a drastic drop in blood pressure? Reduction in blood volume: A decrease in blood volume can also cause a drop in blood pressure. Significant blood loss due to severe trauma, dehydration or severe internal bleeding reduces blood volume, leading to a severe drop in blood pressure. Symptoms of low blood pressure Most doctors will only consider chronically low blood pressure dangerous if it causes noticeable signs and symptoms, such as:
  • Dizziness or photophobia
  • Nudity
  • Fainting (syncope)
  • Dehydration and unusual thirst
  • Dehydration can sometimes cause a drop in blood pressure. Jednakże, odwodnienie nie zawsze powoduje niskie ciśnienie krwi. Gorączka, wymioty, silna biegunka, nadużywanie leków moczopędnych i intensywny wysiłek fizyczny mogą prowadzić do odwodnienia, potencjalnie poważnego stanu, w którym organizm traci więcej wody niż przyjmuje. Nawet łagodne odwodnienie (utrata zaledwie 1 do 2 procent masy ciała) może powodować osłabienie, zawroty głowy i zmęczenie.
  • Lack of concentration
  • Blurred vision
  • Cold, damp, pale skin
  • Fast, shallow breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
Basic causes of low blood pressure Ni Prolonged bed rest Pregnancy: During the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, there is often a drop in blood pressure. Reductions in blood volume: A decrease in blood volume can also cause a drop in blood pressure. Significant blood loss due to severe trauma, dehydration or severe internal bleeding reduces blood volume, leading to a severe drop in blood pressure. Certain medications: A number of medications can cause low blood pressure, including diuretics and other medications that treat high blood pressure; heart medications such as beta blockers; medications for Parkinson's disease; tricyclic antidepressants; medications for erectile dysfunction, especially in combination with nitroglycerin; drugs and alcohol. Other prescription and over-the-counter medications can cause low blood pressure when taken in combination with high blood pressure medications. Heart problems: Among the heart diseases that can lead to low blood pressure are abnormally low heart rate (bradycardia), heart valve problems, heart attack and heart failure. Your heart may not be able to circulate enough blood to meet the body's needs. Endocrine problems: Severe infection (septic shock): W [...] Allergic reaction (anaphylaxis): Anaphylactic shock is a sometimes fatal allergic reaction that can occur in people who are highly sensitive to drugs such as penicillin, to certain foods such as peanuts or to bee or wasp stings. This type of shock is characterized by breathing problems, hives, itching, swelling of the throat and a sudden dramatic drop in blood pressure. Neurally mediated hypotension: Unlike orthostatic hypotension, this disorder causes blood pressure to drop after standing for a long time, leading to symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and fainting. The condition mainly affects young people and occurs because of miscommunication between the heart and brain. Nutritional deficiencies: Lack of essential vitamins B-12 and folic acid can cause anemia, which in turn can lead to low blood pressure. Can a sudden drop in blood pressure cause death? Low blood pressure can be the result of a heart attack, major blood loss or severe infection. Each of these conditions affects blood flow through the heart and blood vessels and increases the risk of stroke. Can a sudden drop in blood pressure cause death? If blood pressure becomes too low, it can cause dizziness, fainting or death. Low blood pressure is not a condition that is usually treated, except when it occurs in the elderly or occurs suddenly. If you notice a sudden drop in blood pressure A single, lower-than-normal reading is not a cause for concern unless there are other symptoms or problems. If you experience dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea or other symptoms, it is a good idea to consult your doctor. To help with diagnosis, record your symptoms and activities as they occur.  

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