Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 egészséges szokás
a vérnyomás normalizálása
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The RESPeRATE device is a non-invasive, FDA-approved tool designed to help people with high blood pressure slow their breathing and lower their blood pressure. It consists of three components: a small computerized module, earphones, and a chest strap with a breath sensor. Patients wear the chest strap around their chest, put on the earphones, and sit in a chair while listening to soothing music with tones that represent their actual breathing. The device guides them to match their breathing to the tones, which gradually slow down until they reach a relaxing rate of 10 breaths per minute. In a study involving 149 patients with high blood pressure, nearly everyone who received the RESPeRATE device was able to use it correctly. Of these, 33 frequent users achieved significant results, lowering their blood pressure by 15 points over an eight-week period. Monitoring alone resulted in a smaller but still significant drop of 9.2 points in systolic blood pressure. The study's lead author, Elliott, notes that the RESPeRATE device is not just about playing music but also utilizes biofeedback to help users relax and lower their blood pressure without having to focus too much on their breathing rate. He emphasizes that while the device may be helpful for some people with high blood pressure, it should be used under medical supervision. Laurence Sperling, MD, director of preventive cardiology at Emory University, advises individuals with high blood pressure to consult a doctor before trying any treatment, including the RESPeRATE device. He notes that while the device may seem simple, high blood pressure can be challenging to treat, and addressing its causes and treatment approaches requires medical advice.
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 egészséges szokás
a vérnyomás normalizálása
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