Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 egészséges szokás
a vérnyomás normalizálása
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Lövő diaszisztolikus vérnyomás: Tünetek, Oka és Kezelési Módok.

**Causes of Low Diastolic Blood Pressure** There are several causes of low diastolic blood pressure, including: * Certain medications, such as diuretics, antidepressants, erectile dysfunction medication, and Parkinson’s disease medication * Medical conditions, including: * Pregnancy * Anemia * Heart conditions, including low heart rate (bradycardia), heart attack, and heart failure * Thyroid and adrenal issues * Severe infections * Severe allergic reactions * Bleeding **Lifestyle Factors** Lack of vitamin B12, iron, and folate in the diet can lead to low blood pressure, as these nutrients help the body produce enough red blood cells. **Treatment of Low Diastolic Blood Pressure** The treatment of low diastolic blood pressure depends on the primary cause of the hypotension. If you have low blood pressure, you should see a medical professional right away. They will perform an assessment, determine the cause of your low blood pressure, and recommend a treatment plan. **Treatment of Isolated Low Diastolic Blood Pressure** If low diastolic blood pressure is caused by medication, your doctor may adjust your dosage or change your prescription. They will address any contributing lifestyle factors and also evaluate for serious underlying causes of your low blood pressure. **Lifestyle Changes** Lifestyle changes can also help, including getting exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and refraining from smoking. **Treatment of General Low Blood Pressure** Low blood pressure that is mild and doesn’t cause symptoms often doesn’t need treatment. But for those with symptoms, treatment will be based on the cause if it’s identifiable. If you’re taking medication that’s causing low blood pressure, you may have to change medication or adjust dosage based on what your doctor determines. If the cause of low blood pressure is unclear and your doctor decides that raising your blood pressure should be your objective, then the following actions may help: * Adding more sodium to your diet * Wearing compression socks or stockings * Staying hydrated * Exercise (consult a medical professional about what type of physical activity can help lower blood pressure) **Low Diastolic Blood Pressure Complications** Low diastolic low blood pressure can lead to serious, sometimes life-threatening complications. * Falls: Those with low diastolic pressure can experience symptoms of fatigue or dizziness, which can lead to falls, especially dangerous for older people who may have brittle bones. * Heart problems: Low diastolic blood pressure can cause the heart to become stiff, increasing risk for diastolic heart failure. If the heart is stiff and doesn’t relax enough, it won’t be able to fill up with enough blood when it pumps. It can also cause fluid to back up in the lungs. **When to See a Doctor for Low Diastolic Blood Pressure** To help manage or prevent low blood pressure, you should routinely get your blood pressure checked, especially as you get older. If you have symptoms of low diastolic blood pressure, consult your doctor.
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 egészséges szokás
a vérnyomás normalizálása
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