Hypertension: can it be treated?

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What is the main cause of high blood pressure? What causes high blood pressure? High blood pressure usually develops over time. It can occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle, such as not getting enough regular physical activity. Certain health conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, can also increase the risk of developing high blood pressure. Can high blood pressure be treated? There is no cure for high blood pressure. However, treatment can lower blood pressure that is too high. If it is mild, it can be controlled by changing to a healthier lifestyle. What is the cure for lowering blood pressure? Your doctor will create a treatment plan for you. The treatment plan will be based on your test results, physical examination and your individual needs. Making healthy lifestyle choices is an important part of treatment. It can help control high blood pressure. This may include losing weight, eating meals that are lower in fat and salt, limiting alcohol to no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women, and starting a regular exercise program approved by your doctor. If you are a smoker, your doctor will advise you to quit smoking. Smoking increases the risk of complications such as heart attack or stroke. To control blood pressure, you may need medication. There are many effective medications for high blood pressure. Sometimes a combination of different medications may be necessary. These medications should be taken as prescribed, even if you feel fine. This is because high blood pressure is harmful even when it does not cause any symptoms. What is the best drug for hypertension? ACE inhibitors include lisinopril, captopril and fosinopril. The study was published online July 26 in the journal Hypertension. There is a long list of medications for high blood pressure, and guidelines recommend both ACE inhibitors and ARBs as first-line options. When to seek emergency help High blood pressure causes organ damage over time. However, it is possible for blood pressure to rise suddenly and cause a so-called hypertensive crisis. Hypertensive crisis can manifest as urgent hypertension or sudden hypertension. When you check your blood pressure, a measurement above 180 for systolic pressure and 120 for diastolic pressure is a warning sign. You should wait a few minutes before checking again. If the readings still exceed 180/120, it means you are dealing with sudden hypertension. Untreated hypertension can have serious consequences. Possible consequences of uncontrolled hypertension are:
  • Stroke
  • heart attack
  • Aortic dissection
  • Klampsja
  • Pulmonary edema
Szukajcie natychmiast pomocy medycznej, jeśli wasze odczyty przekraczają 180/120. Taka ilość ciśnienia może być szkodliwa dla narządów i powodować potencjalnie poważne schorzenia.