Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 kebiasaan sehat
to Normalize Blood Pressure
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— Semua Mengenai Hipertensi Gestasional — All About Gestational Hypertension —START TEXT— —END TEXT—

Gestational hypertension, also known as pregnancy-induced high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia, is a condition that can develop in some pregnancies. It occurs when the blood pressure becomes too high during pregnancy, which can cause problems for both the mother and the baby. **Causes of Gestational Hypertension:** The exact causes of gestational hypertension are not fully understood, but several factors may contribute to its development, including: * Genetics * Obesity * Diabetes * Smoking * High blood pressure before pregnancy **Symptoms of Gestational Hypertension:** Some common symptoms of gestational hypertension include: * Increased blood pressure * Absence or presence of protein in the urine (to diagnose gestational hypertension or preeclampsia) * Edema (swelling) * Sudden weight gain * Visual changes such as blurred or double vision * Nausea, vomiting * Right-sided upper abdominal pain or pain around the stomach * Urinating small amounts * Changes in liver or kidney function tests **Diagnosis of Gestational Hypertension:** The diagnosis of gestational hypertension is often based on the increase in blood pressure levels, but other symptoms may help establish the condition as the diagnosis. Tests for gestational hypertension may include: * Blood pressure measurement * Urine testing to rule out preeclampsia * Assessment of edema * Frequent weight measurements * Liver and kidney function tests to rule out preeclampsia * Blood clotting tests to rule out preeclampsia **Treatment for Gestational Hypertension:** The treatment for gestational hypertension will be determined by your doctor based on: * Your pregnancy, overall health, and medical history * The extent of the disease * Your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies * Expectations for the course of the disease * Your opinion or preference The goal of treatment is to prevent the condition from becoming worse and to prevent it from causing other complications. Treatment for gestational hypertension may include: * Bedrest, either at home or in the hospital, may be recommended * Hospitalization (as specialized personnel and equipment may be necessary) * Magnesium sulfate (or other antihypertensive medications for gestational hypertension if blood pressure readings are in the severe range) * Fetal monitoring (to check the health of the fetus) which may include: * Fetal movement counting * Nonstress testing * Biophysical profile * Doppler flow studies * Continued laboratory testing of urine and blood (for changes that may signal worsening of gestational hypertension or progression to preeclampsia) * Medications, called corticosteroids, that may help to mature the lungs of the fetus (lung immaturity is a major problem of premature babies)
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 kebiasaan sehat
to Normalize Blood Pressure
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