Berikut adalah terjemahan dari “How Does Coffee Affect Your Blood Pressure?” dalam bahasa Indonesia: Bagaimana Kafe Berdampak Terhadap Tekanan Darah Anda? —START TEXT—

The article discusses the relationship between coffee consumption and blood pressure. Here are the main points: **Short-term effects:** * Drinking coffee may lead to a short-term increase in blood pressure, with an average increase of 8 mm Hg and 6 mm Hg in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively. * This effect is observed for up to three hours after consumption. **Long-term effects:** * Regular coffee consumption is not associated with significant long-term increases in blood pressure or risk of heart disease. * For people with high blood pressure, daily coffee consumption is unlikely to have a significant impact on blood pressure or overall risk of heart disease. **Health benefits:** * Drinking 3-5 cups of coffee daily may be linked to a 15% reduction in heart disease risk and a lower risk of premature death. * Coffee contains multiple bioactive compounds with strong antioxidant effects, which may reduce oxidative stress in the body. **Who should be cautious?** * People with high blood pressure should be aware that excessive caffeine consumption can lead to negative health effects. * Those who don't already drink coffee regularly may want to wait until their blood pressure is under control before adding it to their routine. **The bottom line:** * Drinking coffee in moderation is likely a safe habit for most people. * While more research is needed, the current evidence suggests that coffee's potential health benefits outweigh its potential negative effects on blood pressure.