Can Eating Cayenne Pepper Decrease Blood Pressure and Unclog Arteries?
Is cayenne good for blood pressure?
“Cayenne peppers can keep blood vessels healthy and may help lower blood pressure,” Supan adds. Researchers found that people who regularly ate chili… read more
The Effect of Protein Shakes on Your Blood Pressure
Are protein shakes good for blood pressure?
Beverages supplemented by whey-based protein can significantly reduce elevated blood pressure, reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease, a new… read more
What Are the Dangers of Taking Niacin for Blood Pressure?
Can you take niacin if you have high blood pressure?
Niacin might have an additive effect when you take blood pressure drugs, herbs or supplements. This could increase… read more
How to Combat Hair Loss from Blood Pressure Meds
Can high blood pressure make your hair fall out?
Hair loss can be a side effect of certain drugs, such as those used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout … read more
Diet Sodas, Artificial Sweeteners and Blood Pressure: What Gives?
What happens if you drink diet soda everyday?
A growing body of evidence suggests that diet soda consumption correlates with an increased risk of a wide range of medical conditions,… read more
The Benefits of Whey Protein to Blood Pressure
Does whey protein affect blood pressure?
Whey protein lowers blood pressure and improves endothelial function and lipid biomarkers in adults with prehypertension and mild hypertension: results from the… read more
Normal Blood Pressure Range for Children
What is high blood pressure in kids?
High blood pressure (hypertension) in children is blood pressure that is at or above the 95th percentile for children who are… read more
Apple Cider Vinegar for Blood Pressure Benefits
Is apple cider vinegar good for high blood pressure?
Studies have shown that taking apple cider vinegar can result in reduced blood pressures.
How much apple cider vinegar should… read more
Vitamin E: A Cautionary Tale When It Comes to Blood Pressure
Can vitamin E cause high blood pressure?
An Australian study shows that vitamin E can actually raise blood pressure in hypertensive patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Though it… read more
How Baking Soda Can Affect Your Blood Pressure
Can baking soda help lower blood pressure?
Baking Soda regulates blood pressure and PH Levels. How to take it – Mix 1tbs of ACV, 1/8tsp of baking soda… read more
An Alternative Way to Check Your Blood Pressure
How can I check my blood pressure without a test?
Place your index and middle finger of your hand on the inner wrist of the other arm, just below the… read more
What Is a Healthy Blood Pressure for a Teen?
What is normal blood pressure by age 15?
A teenager may have an acceptable blood pressure of 110/70 mm Hg, but that value would be of concern in a toddler.… read more
Does Iron Supplementation Increase Blood Pressure?
Does iron affect high blood pressure?
Heme iron intake, which is exclusively provided by red meat, poultry, and fish, is positively associated with increased BP. On the other hand,… read more
What’s a Healthy Blood Pressure Reading for an Adult Male?
What should a man’s blood pressure be?
Normal blood pressure for most adults is defined as a systolic pressure of less than 120 and a diastolic pressure of less than … read more
What Are the Benefits of Lowering Blood Pressure?
Is it better to have lower blood pressure or higher?
Today, a healthy blood pressure is under 120/80. People with high blood pressure are urged to get it below 140/90… read more