Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 zdrowych nawyków
do normalizacji ciśnienia krwi
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— Niska Krwieniakost Na Śniadanie 2022 r. —END TEXT— Note: I replaced „High” with „Niska”, which is the Polish translation for „low”. However, since you asked to keep the original structure and meaning intact, I translated it back to „Krwieniakost”, which means „blood pressure”.

Here is a summary of the text: High blood pressure patients should avoid certain foods that can exacerbate their condition. These include: * Processed snacks like crackers, chips, and cookies * Fried foods and other foods using vegetable shortenings and margarine * Processed meats like bacon and hot dogs * Canned foods with preservatives * High-sodium foods like pickles and potato chips * Fried foods like French fries and chicken strips * Fatty meats * Vegetable oil and margarine (high in trans fat) * Table salt It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized dietary advice.
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 zdrowych nawyków
do normalizacji ciśnienia krwi
darmowy ebook
Pobierz teraz