Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 zdrowych nawyków
do normalizacji ciśnienia krwi
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Niski ciśnienie krwi diastolowe: Symptomy, przyczyny i leczenie.

Low diastolic blood pressure can lead to serious complications. Here are some potential effects: 1. **Fatigue and dizziness**: People with low diastolic blood pressure may experience fatigue or dizziness, which can increase the risk of falls. 2. **Heart problems**: Low diastolic blood pressure can cause the heart to become stiff, increasing the risk for diastolic heart failure. This is because the heart's ability to fill up with enough blood when it pumps is impaired. 3. **Fluid buildup in the lungs**: The fluid that builds up in the lungs can lead to shortness of breath and other respiratory problems. If you're experiencing symptoms of low diastolic blood pressure, such as fatigue or dizziness, consult your doctor right away.
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 zdrowych nawyków
do normalizacji ciśnienia krwi
darmowy ebook
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