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Urządzenie RESPeRAte może zmniejszyć ciśnienie krwi.

The RESPeRATE device is a small computerized module, standard earphones, and a chest strap with a breath sensor. It plays soothing music with tones that represent the patient's actual breathing, which gradually slow until a person is breathing at the relaxing rate of 10 breaths per minute. The device was tested on 149 patients with high blood pressure, and nearly everyone who got it was able to use it correctly. The frequent users achieved a 15-point drop in blood pressure. Even monitoring alone resulted in a small but significant blood pressure drop. Adding the RESPeRATE device lowered blood pressure even more. The device does more than just play music; it provides biofeedback that allows the user not to focus on lowering their breathing rate, resulting in a better relaxation response and some reduction in blood pressure.
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 zdrowych nawyków
do normalizacji ciśnienia krwi
darmowy ebook
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