Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 hábitos saudáveis
to Normalize Blood Pressure
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Monitoramento de Pressão Sanguínea Ambulatorial por 24 Horas.

## What is 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring? 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a diagnostic tool that measures an individual's blood pressure over a 24-hour period, typically using a portable device attached to a belt or strap around the body. ## Why is 24-hour ABPM used? ABPM is used to: * Diagnose white coat hypertension and masked hypertension * Monitor blood pressure in individuals with hypertension * Determine the effectiveness of antihypertensive medications * Predict cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease risk * Evaluate changes in blood pressure due to other medications or factors ## Benefits of 24-hour ABPM Benefits include: * Ruling out white coat hypertension, reducing unnecessary medication prescriptions * Detecting masked hypertension, ensuring timely treatment * Reducing incidence of stroke, heart disease, and organ damage * Evaluating response to long-acting antihypertensive medications ## Disadvantages of 24-hour ABPM Disadvantages include: * Potential discomfort due to repeated cuff inflation * Interference with sleep due to nocturnal BP readings * Mild skin irritation or rash from the cuff * Limited reimbursement by some insurance carriers unless suspected hypertension is present ## How are 24-hour ABPM readings taken? ABPM readings are taken continually over a 24-hour period using a portable device attached to a belt or strap. The device collects information throughout the day and night, which is later transferred to a computer for analysis. Patients may be instructed to keep a daily diary to record their BP readings and any patterns they notice. ## Who can benefit from 24-hour ABPM? Individuals who may benefit from 24-hour ABPM include: * Pregnant women with hypertension * People with "borderline" hypertension * Those experiencing difficulty controlling blood pressure with medication * Patients whose blood pressure is affected by other medications or factors * Individuals experiencing fainting episodes or hypotension (low blood pressure)
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 hábitos saudáveis
to Normalize Blood Pressure
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