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to Normalize Blood Pressure
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Riscuri Asociate cu Hipertensiunea Venoas Cronică – Risk Factors Associat cu Hipertensiunea Venoas Cronică Riscul de dezvoltare a hipertensiunii venoase cronice este asociat cu: * Faptul de a trăi în zone cu piele și atmosferă gazoase puțină * Tratamentul imobilizant al unei partie a corpului, cum ar fi un picior sau o mână * Creșterea rapidă a nivelului găurilor din vene * Problemele de piele și vena, cum ar fi eczeme, varice sau petechii. –

The article discusses chronic venous insufficiency, also known as chronic venous hypertension, which is a condition where the veins in the body weaken over time, making it harder for blood to flow back to the heart. This can lead to various symptoms such as pain, leg cramping, skin discoloration, and lower leg and ankle ulcers. The article highlights several risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing chronic venous insufficiency, including: * Age: Veins deteriorate with age, making it more common in women beginning in their 40s and men later in life. * Gender: Women are more likely to suffer from venous diseases than men due to hormonal changes and pregnancy. * Body weight: Being overweight or obese can increase pressure on organs, muscles, and blood vessels, weakening veins. * Occupation and lifestyle: Jobs that require standing for long periods or sitting for extended periods without exercise can contribute to the development of varicose veins. The article also mentions several conservative treatments that can help prevent or slow down damage to veins, such as: * Compression socks or garments * Elevating legs while lying down * Avoiding prolonged periods of sitting or standing * Following a regular exercise routine It emphasizes the importance of finding a treatment plan to keep veins healthy and prevent serious conditions like stasis dermatitis and venous leg ulceration. The article mentions Dr. Clement Banda, an expert in treating vein conditions who diagnoses and treats chronic venous hypertension and other vein conditions to help patients stay healthy.
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 de obiceiuri sănătoase
to Normalize Blood Pressure
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