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The 9 most dangerous foods you must avoid if you have high blood pressure

What is the main cause of high blood pressure?
What causes high blood pressure? High blood pressure usually develops over time. It can occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle, such as not getting enough regular physical activity. Certain health conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, can also increase the risk of developing high blood pressure.
9 foods to avoid if you have high blood pressure:
1. processed foods with trans or saturated fat
To maintain a healthy heart, it is best to limit saturated fats and avoid trans fats. This is especially true for people with high blood pressure.
Trans fats are artificial fats that increase the shelf life and stability of packaged foods.
However, their consumption raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and lowers HDL (good) cholesterol, which can increase the risk of hypertension.
Saturated fats also increase LDL cholesterol in the blood.
2. Sugar
Sugar can increase blood pressure in several ways.
Studies show that sugar - especially sugar-sweetened beverages - contributes to weight gain in adults and children. Being overweight and obese increases the chance of having high blood pressure.
3. Canned tomato products
Most canned tomato sauces, pasta sauces and tomato juices are high in sodium. This means they can raise your blood pressure, especially if you already have high blood pressure.
One serving (135 grams) of marinara sauce contains 566 mg of sodium. One cup of tomato juice contains 615 mg.
You can find low or reduced sodium versions for most tomato products.
To lower blood pressure, choose these alternatives or use fresh tomatoes, which are rich in an antioxidant called lycopene. Fresh vegetables have many benefits for heart health.
4. Canned soups
Canned soups are simple and easy to prepare, especially when you're crunched for time or not feeling well.
However, canned soups have a high sodium content. Canned and packaged broths and stocks can contain similar amounts. This means they can raise blood pressure.
One can of tomato soup contains 1,110 mg of sodium, while a can of chicken and vegetable soup contains 2,140 mg Source.
Try instead opting for low- or reduced-sodium soups, or make your own soup at home with fresh ingredients.
5. salt or sodium
Salt, specifically the sodium in salt, is a major contributor to high blood pressure and heart disease. This is because of how it affects the balance of fluids in the blood.
Table salt is about 40 percent sodium. A certain amount of salt is important for health, but it's easy to eat too much. The AHA recommends getting no more than 2,300 mg of sodium - the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of salt - each day.
Most of the sodium in the American diet comes from packaged, processed foods, not from what you add at the table. Sodium can be hidden in unexpected places.
6. Deli meat
Processed deli and lunch meat is often full of sodium. This is because manufacturers treat, season and preserve these meats with salt.
According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) database, just two slices of bologna contain 910 mg of sodium. One frankfurter, or hot dog, contains 567 mg.
Adding other foods high in salt, such as bread, cheese, various condiments and pickles, means the sandwich can easily become very high in sodium.
7. Frozen pizza
The combination of ingredients in frozen pizzas means they are high in sugar, saturated fat and sodium. Frozen pizza can be particularly high in sodium.
Cheese often has a high sodium content. Just two slices of American cheese contain 512 mg of sodium. This is usually in combination with salty or sugary dough and pizza crust, cold cuts and tomato sauce.
To keep the flavor in the pizzas after cooking, manufacturers often add a lot of salt.
8. Pickles
Preserving any food requires salt. It stops food from decomposing and keeps it edible for longer.
The longer vegetables sit in cans and preservative liquids, the more sodium they pick up.
One small pickled cucumber contains 448 mg of sodium.
That said, reduced sodium options are available.
9. alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol can increase blood pressure.
If you have high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend reducing the amount of alcohol you drink. A 2017 study found a link between drinking less alcohol and lowering blood pressure among people who typically had more than two drinks each day.
What diet is best for high blood pressure?
Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower blood pressure by as much as 11 mm Hg if you have high blood pressure. This eating plan is known as the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet.