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What is the Average Blood Pressure Reading?

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What is a normal blood pressure reading? Do you know what your ideal blood pressure should be ? Blood pressure is the force with which the heart pumps blood into the body and is recorded by two numbers. The higher of the numbers (systolic) indicates when the heart is pumping blood, while the lower (diastolic) is the resistance to blood flow in the blood vessels. It is well known that high and low blood pressure can cause health problems, but what about normal blood pressure? What is the ideal blood pressure? Blood pressure is calculated by one number "over" another: systolic pressure over diastolic pressure. You can calculate it with our blood pressure calculator. The blood pressure monitor shows the measurement in millimeters of mercury, which means "mmHg." The ideal blood pressure for each person will vary slightly, and may be related to age, ethnicity or potential or current health conditions. The normal blood pressure range for adults is between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. This means that anything below 90/60mmHg represents low blood pressure (hypotension), while anything above 140/90mmHg indicates high blood pressure (hypertension), as this is the threshold at which a medical professional will actively monitor the blood pressure range. Knowing these numbers can make you more aware of your health and help you stay within a normal blood pressure range. What is systolic blood pressure? When it comes to understanding blood pressure, it's worth taking a closer look at the numbers that make up the final measurement. The first number in a blood pressure reading is the systolic pressure. It measures the pressure on the arteries caused by the contractions of the beating heart, which pushes blood throughout the body. The ideal systolic pressure is 120, while anything below that indicates low blood pressure. A reading between 120 and 140 may indicate that blood pressure is not under control, while anything above 140 indicates cause for concern. What is diastolic blood pressure? The second number in blood pressure measurement is the diastolic pressure, which indicates the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats. Normal diastolic blood pressure is usually around 80 or less, while a reading between 80 and 89 is considered normal, but higher than ideal. Repeated blood pressure readings of 90 or higher are cause for concern, as they may indicate high blood pressure. What do blood pressure readings mean? There is no correct blood pressure value, but it is important to know and understand the range of blood pressure so that any potential problems can be detected early. Lower than 90/60mmHg - risk of hypotension. This is a lower-than-normal result, but is not necessarily a cause for concern. We recommend that you see your primary care physician if you consistently experience symptoms of dizziness or nausea, as this could be a sign of hypotension. 91/61mmHg to 120/80mmHg - normal blood pressure. Blood pressure in this range can be called ideal blood pressure. It indicates little or no risk of serious complications, such as stroke or heart attack. It is important to maintain this level of blood pressure to prevent the health risks associated with high blood pressure. 121/81mmHg to 140/90mmHg - prehypertensive state. Although pre-hypertension is perfectly normal in many cases, but if you have certain health conditions or come from certain ethnic groups, it can increase your risk of stroke. You may need to look for ways to lower your blood pressure. 141/91mmHg to 160/100mmHg - Grade 1 hypertension. High blood pressure can increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. If this happens, try to lower your blood pressure to normal levels. 161/101mmHg to 180/120mmHg - stage 2 hypertension. If your blood pressure is within this range, it means a high degree of risk to your future health, so it is extremely important that you try to lower your blood pressure. How often should my blood pressure be measured? The NHS recommends that adults aged 40 and older measure their blood pressure at least once every five years. If you are at increased risk for high blood pressure, you should measure once a year. Blood pressure testing is easy and provides information to improve your lifestyle, thereby preventing disease. The reading will also reassure you that you are keeping your blood pressure levels at a healthy level. To have your blood pressure checked, you can make an appointment with your primary care physician, have it measured at a pharmacy, or buy a home testing device at your local drugstore.   [cool_tag_cloud on_single_display="local"]
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 Healthy Habits
to Normalize Blood Pressure
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