Lower blood pressure with 30-second breathing exercise

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Normal blood pressure for you may be different from the average blood pressure of another person. Your blood pressure may naturally be higher or lower. However, blood pressure that is above or below the normal range can cause negative health problems. High blood pressure is 130/80 mmHg or higher. It occurs when blood pushes against the walls of blood vessels with excessive force. This forces the heart to work harder and weakens the inside of the arteries, which can lead to life-threatening conditions such as heart attack and stroke. High blood pressure can be caused by many variables, such as lifestyle, your family's medical history, your genetic traits and any pre-existing medical disorders. Slow, deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which reduces heart rate and dilates blood vessels, lowering overall blood pressure. When your breathing becomes slower, your brain associates it with a relaxed state, causing your body to slow down other functions, such as digestion. By taking a moment to breathe deeply in a stressful situation, you can train your body to respond in a calm way when facing challenges at work or in your home life. This can improve your overall heart health and help you face problems with a clear head. Breathing control therapy can be done at home to quickly reduce pressure. Deep breathing is one of the most effective ways to slow the heart rate. Just 30 seconds of deep breathing can have a measurable effect on blood pressure. According to the Japan Hypertension Society, taking six deep breaths in 30 seconds significantly lowers blood pressure. This 30-second breathing exercise is a simple and easy way to help manage stress and promote relaxation. All you need to do is: 1 Find a quiet place where you can rest comfortably. 2 Set a timer for 30 seconds, close your eyes and take six deep breaths. Slowly do inhalation through your nose and exhalation through your mouth. Each breath should last about five seconds. 3. perform this exercise at least once a day. Check out the following tips to help you master this technique: - Be careful not to breathe too fast. Five seconds is plenty of time for slow, relaxed breathing. - Try to keep your spine straight so you can breathe comfortably without straining. - Repeat this exercise throughout the day for maximum relaxation. Hypertension, if treated early and kept under control, is not a life-threatening condition. The most effective way to control hypertension is to take small, consistent steps over time. When you find yourself in a precarious situation, you should remember to maintain as much composure as possible. Does breathing through the mouth lower blood pressure? Lowering blood pressure. "Breathing through the mouth is associated with negative health effects, such as increased blood pressure, reduced heart rate variability, elevated pulse rate, poor sleep quality and fatigue." What kind of breathing lowers blood pressure? Slow, deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which reduces heart rate and dilates blood vessels, lowering overall blood pressure. Other natural activities that can lower blood pressure Reducing stress levels may not directly lower blood pressure in the long term. But using stress management strategies can help improve health in other ways. Mastering stress management techniques can lead to healthy behavioral changes, including those that lower blood pressure. There are many options for dealing with stress. For example:
  • Simplify your schedule. Jeśli zawsze czujesz się spieszony, poświęć kilka minut na przejrzenie swojego kalendarza i listy rzeczy do zrobienia. Poszukaj czynności, które zajmują ci czas, ale nie są dla ciebie zbyt ważne. Zaplanuj mniej czasu na te czynności lub całkowicie je wyeliminuj.
  • Exercise. Aktywność fizyczna jest naturalnym środkiem odstresowującym. Pamiętaj jednak, by przed rozpoczęciem nowego programu ćwiczeń uzyskać zgodę lekarza, zwłaszcza jeśli stwierdzono u ciebie wysokie ciśnienie krwi.
  • Try yoga and meditation. Joga i medytacja wzmacniają Twoje ciało i pomagają Ci się zrelaksować. Te techniki mogą również obniżyć Twoje skurczowe ciśnienie krwi o 5 milimetrów rtęci (mm Hg) lub więcej.
  • Dużo śpij. Zbyt mała ilość snu może sprawić, że problemy wydają się gorsze niż są w rzeczywistości.
  • Change your perspective. Kiedy masz do czynienia z problemami, oprzyj się tendencji do narzekania. Uznaj swoje uczucia związane z sytuacją, a następnie skup się na poszukiwaniu rozwiązań.



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