Renovascular Hypertension
What causes hypertensive renal disease?
Renal hypertension is caused by a narrowing in the arteries that deliver blood to the kidney. One or both kidneys’ arteries may be narrowed.… read more
What to Know About Hyperthyroidism and High Blood Pressure
How does hyperthyroidism affect blood pressure?
Hyperthyroidism increases systolic blood pressure by decreasing systemic vascular resistance, increasing heart rate, and raising cardiac output.
Does hyperthyroid raise BP?
When… read more
High Blood Pressure Risks With Hot Tubs and Saunas
You have high blood pressure, which you keep under control by taking medications. Is it safe to soak your cares away in your hot tub or work up a… read more
Beating High Blood Pressure with Food
Making changes to your diet is a proven way to help control high blood pressure. These changes can also help you lose weight and lower your chance of heart… read more
Top 13 Vitamins for High Blood Pressure – Reduce Naturally!
What is the best vitamin to take for high blood pressure?
Some vitamins, such as vitamin C, and B vitamins like B2, B6, and B9, may be beneficial… read more
High blood pressure and cold remedies: Which are safe?
Over-the-counter cold remedies aren’t off-limits if you have high blood pressure or take medication for high blood pressure, but it’s important to make careful choices. Talk to your doctor… read more
RESPeRATE Device May Lower Blood Pressure
Does RESPeRATE work for high blood pressure?
Research involving the device has shown that slow breathing (less than 10 breaths a minute) can cause a modest but significant decrease … read more
Low Diastolic Blood Pressure: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
What does a low diastolic indicate?
If you have a low diastolic pressure, it means you have a low coronary artery pressure, and that means your heart is going… read more
Natural Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure 2022
What is the most effective natural remedy for high blood pressure?
Walk and exercise regularly
Exercise is one of the best things you can do to lower high blood … read more
Primary Hypertension (Formerly Known as Essential Hypertension)
Why is it called primary hypertension?
Essential hypertension is high blood pressure that doesn’t have a known secondary cause. It’s also referred to as primary hypertension. Blood … read more
What To Eat To Help Raise Low Blood Pressure
Many people wonder what to eat to help raise low blood pressure. Low Blood Pressure (also known as Hypotension) is typically considered to be a blood pressure reading under… read more
Fasting: How Does It Affect Your Heart and Blood Pressure?
A cardiologist’s perspective on pros and cons of fasting
Do you sometimes fast for religious reasons or as a lifestyle choice? If so, you may wonder what impact fasting has … read more
Benefits of Drinking Water for High Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the measurement of the force the heart applies against artery walls as it propels blood to the body. Healthcare providers use two numbers to measure your blood … read more
Alcohol and High Blood Pressure
Alcohol’s effect on the body
Blood pressure and the heart- a lot of alcohol over a long time – or too much on a single occasion – can damage the… read more
High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
What should I do if I have high cholesterol and high blood pressure?
Eat a healthy diet that is low in salt; low in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol; … read more