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to Normalize Blood Pressure
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Tuturor despre Hipertensiunea Gestațională –START TEXT– All About Gestational Hypertension –END TEXT–

The provided text discusses gestational hypertension, a condition that can occur during pregnancy. The key points are: **Causes and Risk Factors** * Gestational hypertension can be caused by premature detachment of the placenta (placental abruption) or gestational diabetes. * Other risk factors include family history, previous preeclampsia, obesity, high blood pressure before pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, and a history of kidney disease. **Symptoms** * Increased blood pressure * Absence or presence of protein in the urine * Edema (swelling) * Sudden weight gain * Visual changes such as blurred or double vision * Nausea, vomiting * Right-sided upper abdominal pain or pain around the stomach * Urinating small amounts * Changes in liver or kidney function tests **Diagnosis** * Blood pressure measurement * Urine testing to rule out preeclampsia * Assessment of edema * Frequent weight measurements * Liver and kidney function tests to rule out preeclampsia * Blood clotting tests to rule out preeclampsia **Treatment** * Bedrest, either at home or in the hospital * Hospitalization (as specialized personnel and equipment may be necessary) * Magnesium sulfate (or other antihypertensive medications for gestational hypertension if blood pressure readings are in the severe range) * Fetal monitoring to check the health of the fetus **Prevention** * Early identification of women at risk for gestational hypertension * Education about warning symptoms * Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise * Managing underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure before pregnancy. It's essential to note that this is not a comprehensive guide, and only a healthcare professional can provide personalized advice and treatment. If you suspect you have gestational hypertension or are at risk for it, consult your doctor immediately.
Prawidlowe csisnienie
27 de obiceiuri sănătoase
to Normalize Blood Pressure
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