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Symptoms That Should Not Be Underestimated and May Lead to High Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure is generally considered to be less than 90 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) for the top number (systolic) or 60 mm Hg for the bottom number (diastolic).
What is considered low blood pressure for one person may be fine for another. Low blood pressure may cause no noticeable symptoms, or it may cause dizziness and fainting. Sometimes low blood pressure can be life-threatening.
The causes of low blood pressure can range from dehydration to serious medical conditions. It is important to find out what causes low blood pressure so that it can be treated, if necessary.
What are the main causes of low blood pressure?
Low blood pressure has many different causes, including: Emotional stress, fear, uncertainty or pain (the most common causes of fainting) Dehydration, which reduces blood volume. The body's response to heat, which diverts blood into the blood vessels of the skin, leading to dehydration.
Symptoms of low blood pressure
Most doctors will only consider chronically low blood pressure dangerous if it causes noticeable signs and symptoms, such as:
- Dizziness or photophobia
- Nudity
- Fainting (syncope)
- Dehydration and unusual thirst
- Dehydration can sometimes cause a drop in blood pressure. Jednakże, odwodnienie nie zawsze powoduje niskie ciśnienie krwi. Gorączka, wymioty, silna biegunka, nadużywanie leków moczopędnych i intensywny wysiłek fizyczny mogą prowadzić do odwodnienia, potencjalnie poważnego stanu, w którym organizm traci więcej wody niż przyjmuje. Nawet łagodne odwodnienie (utrata zaledwie 1 do 2 procent masy ciała) może powodować osłabienie, zawroty głowy i zmęczenie.
- Lack of concentration
- Blurred vision
- Cold, damp, pale skin Rapid, shallow breathing
- Fatigue
- Depression