The Right Way to Accurately Measure Blood Pressure

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Tips for controlling blood pressure There are some factors that can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure. For example, blood pressure usually increases as a result of:
  • Stress
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Low temperatures
  • Exercises
  • Caffeine
  • Some medications
Try to avoid as many of these factors as possible when measuring blood pressure. Also try to measure your blood pressure at the same time each day. Your doctor may want you to check your blood pressure several times throughout the day to see if it fluctuates. How to choose a home blood pressure monitor? "The readings you get at home are really important because they reflect the pressures your heart encounters on a daily basis," - said Dr. Michael Hochman, an internal medicine physician at Keck Medicine of the University of Southern California. A list of validated home monitors, the first in the United States and mandated to meet American Medical Association criteria, is available at The Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, the British Hypertension Society and the European Society of Hypertension also certify the devices. The device should measure blood pressure at the arm, which gives more reliable results than those that measure from the wrist. Much of the equipment is automated. All you have to do is put on the cuff and press a button. The results are displayed digitally. Some store readings, calculate average blood pressure over time, and even send them to the doctor. "If blood pressure monitors can't send results to the doctor, the best solution is a device that stores the readings," - Paul Muntner, professor of epidemiology and associate dean for research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said. The healthcare provider should check the device about once a year to ensure its accuracy. Before checking blood pressure
  • Find a quiet place to check blood pressure. It will be necessary to listen to the heartbeat.
  • Make sure you are comfortable and relaxed with a recently emptied bladder (a full bladder can affect the reading).
  • Roll up the sleeve at the shoulder or remove clothing with tight sleeves.
  • Rest in a chair next to the table for 5 to 10 minutes. Twoje ramię powinno spoczywać wygodnie na poziomie serca. Usiądź prosto z plecami opartymi o krzesło, nogi nieprzecięte. Oprzyj przedramię na stole z dłonią skierowaną do góry.
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Cavemen had normal blood pressure (eat THIS)

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