49 foods and drinks to avoid if you have hypertension

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High blood pressure is a chronic, ongoing problem for which there is no immediate cure. A person may not be able to lower his or her blood pressure quickly. Some foods do not have to be eliminated from the diet to lower blood pressure if someone has high blood pressure. Moderation and finding healthier alternatives should be the goal, rather than trying to eliminate all unhealthy foods from a person's diet. This article lists 49 foods and drinks that can contribute to high blood pressure SALTY FOOD Sodium can raise blood pressure. Many people consume too much sodium without realizing it. It's a good idea to check nutrition labels and be aware that even foods that people think are healthy, such as vegetable juices, can be high in sodium. Examples of high sodium foods: 1. rolls and bread 2. pizza 3. sandwiches 4. sausages and meats 5. canned soup 6. Tacos and burrito Candy Sugary foods offer few health benefits and increase the risk of unintended weight gain. It can also contribute to high blood pressure. Examples of foods that may contain high fructose corn syrup: 7. processed desserts 8. pre-packaged meals 9. crackers 10. granola bars or other nutritional bars 11. peanut butter A person should check the packaging of these products to make sure he or she is choosing products free of high fructose corn syrup. RED MEAT The process of metabolizing red meat in the body can also release compounds that further raise blood pressure. 12. beef 13. lamb 14. pork 15. veal 16 Venison 17. goat A person should try to limit red meats as much as possible or choose leaner cuts. The redder the meat, the more likely it is to raise blood pressure levels. sweetened beverages Sugary drinks that may contain caffeine or high fructose corn syrup: 18. soda 19. fruit juice ALCOHOL Alcohol also contains a lot of empty calories. Consuming it can cause unintended weight gain or replace healthier meal options. 20. alcoholic beverages Saturated FATS No more than 5-6% of daily calories should come from saturated fat, which can be present in sweets and baked goods. Examples of foods containing saturated fat: 21. chocolate 22. toffee 23 24. puddings 25. cookies 26. cakes 27th Dog 28. sausages 29 Burgers 30. 31. Kebab 32. butter 33. lard 34. ghee 35. dripping 36. margarine 37. goose fat 38. coconut oil and cream 39. palm oils 40 Cream 41. milk 42 Yogurt 43. Fresh cream 44 Cheese CONDITIONS A person with high blood pressure does not have to avoid all spices. However, it is important to check the label, as some products may contain high amounts of sugar or sodium. Examples of spices that may contain large amounts of salt or sugar: 45. ketchup 46. chili sauce 47. soy sauce 48. salad dressings Caffeine Those trying to reduce their caffeine intake may choose to drink less regular coffee or replace it with decaffeinated coffee. 49. coffee Ideas for replacing Consider replacing processed foods with heart-healthy alternatives. For example, instead of a sugary snack, opt for some fruit. It is also better to opt for sparkling or flavored water instead of carbonated drinks. People can also try substituting spices with cracked pepper and jalapeno.



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