Effects of Vitamin D on Blood Pressure

Effects of Vitamin D on Blood Pressure
The results of this meta-analysis indicate that supplementation with vitamin D does not lower blood pressure in the general population. On the basis of this finding, we do not recommend using vitamin D supplementation to prevent hypertension.
Sellers of vitamin D claim the nutrient can lower your blood pressure. But don’t believe the hype. According to cardiologist Steven Nissen, MD, despite claims from the nutrition industry and non-medical personnel about vitamin D’s ability to lower blood pressure, no quality scientific study can confirm these benefits. “There are many other claims about the benefits of vitamin D for heart health, but they aren’t substantiated by high quality scientific studies,” Dr. Nissen says. In fact, a study involving 25,871 participants published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2019 concluded that vitamin D did not result in a lower incidence of cardiovascular events when compared to participants given a placebo.

Too much of a good thing

According to Dr. Nissen, vitamin D does play an integral part in the regulation of blood pressure, but it’s a complicated process. And taking too much vitamin D can lead to excess calcium or hypercalcemia. “Vitamin D enables the uptake of calcium,” he says. “In theory, too-high levels potentially can result in calcium deposits ending up on blood vessel walls, in heart valves and even in the liver and kidneys. So our advice is not to start vitamin D as a means to lower blood pressure.”

Safe vitamin D levels remain unclear

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin. Your body synthesizes vitamin D from exposure to natural sunlight. Most foods don’t contain significant amounts of the nutrient. So there may be a rationale to take some vitamin D, especially during times of year with less sunlight. “This may be true, but be aware there’s no clear consensus on exactly how much vitamin D we ultimately need, and more importantly what levels could cause harm,” Dr. Nissen says. “That spells problems for anyone taking large amounts of vitamin D in the hope of boosting their health. That’s like treating yourself with a blindfold on.”

One exception for vitamin D

Vitamin D does help women at risk for osteoporosis. For men, though, there’s no clear evidence of benefit. “The bottom line is, don’t take vitamin D supplements unless your doctor advises you to do so,” Dr. Nissen says.

What Are Good Dietary Sources of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is found in many foods, and a number of common food products are “enriched” with vitamin D. Milk, cereal, and baking flour is all products that contain “added” vitamin D. Some good sources of vitamin D include:



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  • Salmon 3oz: 447 IU
  • Milk 1cup: 115-124 IU
  • Tuna 3oz: 154 IU
  • Eggs: 41 IU each1

Should I Take Oral Vitamin D Supplements?

There is no evidence suggesting that oral vitamin D supplementation provides any protective effect against high blood pressure or heart disease. The evidence so far suggests that dietary sources of vitamin D are sufficient to avoid the “low vitamin” conditions that have been associated with the disease. For normal, healthy adults, a well-balanced diet can provide an adequate supply of vitamin D. People who have a documented vitamin D deficiency may require oral supplementation, but this is not for cardiovascular reasons.

Cavemen had normal blood pressure (eat THIS)

Cavemen had normal blood pressure (eat THIS)

Learn more

The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is:



Try this at home
  • 1-70 years old: 15 micrograms / 600IU
  • More than 70 Years old: 20 micrograms / 800IU1
concluded that serum 25(OH) Vitamin D levels do not have any significant statistical association with blood pressure [36]. In 2008, an experiment used data from a large experiment that assigned women to receive either 1-gram per day of calcium, plus 400 IU per day of Vitamin D, or a placebo pill.